
IPAS Centre. Kylemore way, Inchicore, Dublin 8.

Dublin City Council approve planning permission, for the creation of an ipass centre, at Kylemore way, Inchicore, Dublin 8. 

Dublin City Council approve planning permission, for the creation of an ipass centre, at Kylemore way, Inchicore, Dublin 8. 

Details of the Planning Permission: Application Proposal:   

Change of use from light industry/technological/warehouse/office to temporary accommodation for those seeking international protection.

Documentation Provided: Covers the application form, site location map, architectural drawings, and supporting letters from the government.

Legal Framework: The application falls under Section 5 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 for a declaration on development and exempted development.

Explanation of how the change adheres to Class 20F of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended), which allows for such temporary accommodations under specific conditions.

Site Description and Zoning: Insights into the physical layout of O'Brien's House and its surrounding commercial environment.

Temporary Use Conditions: The accommodation will be temporary, ending no later than December 31, 2028, or when the temporary protection directive concludes earlier.

Official Details: Application Number: 0363/24

Applicant: Autofulfil Limited

Contact for Queries: T: (01) 222 2288 | E: (

Decision Date: 30-Oct-2024 Location: O'Brien's House/109 Kylemore Way, Inchicore, D08 EK28 Address for Further Information: Planning & Property Development Department, Block 4, Floor 3, Dublin City Council, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8.

Review Process: Note that any person issued with a declaration may refer it for review by A Bord Pleanála within four weeks of the issuance date.

you can watch our video on it here 

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